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In this unit you will be given the opportunity to listen to and explore a wide range of music genres. You will learn to identify and describe the distinguishing features of a range of genres and will go on to examine a particular genre of interest in more detail, and research the contribution a selected group or individual has made to that genre.
This Unit is designed to provide candidates with an overview of intellectual property and copyright law. Candidates will gain an awareness of the different rights of the creator and owner of copyright works and an understanding of how they can protect their own original material. They will also research an example of copyright infringement and gain an understanding of the ways in which a copyright work can be exploited to generate income.This Unit introduces candidates to the legal principles and practice covering copyright and intellectual property as stated in the United Kingdom Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and its subsequent amendments. Copyright legislation covers many diverse areas including music, theatre, web development, photography, painting and other visual artistic works, written and spoken word and television and film. Candidates will gain a broad understanding and awareness of the legislation which should be contextualised within their area of study.This Unit is particularly suitable for candidates on creative industries courses and those undertaking programmes of study where they are creating or altering original material and need an awareness of the rights of anyone who creates an original work.Outcomes1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of intellectual property.2 Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental copyright legislation.3 Investigate an infringement of a copyright work.4 Investigate examples of intellectual property.
This Unit is designed to introduce candidates to the purpose of promotion within the music industry. Candidates will have the opportunity to learn about those involved in promotion, the functions they perform and the different methods used to enhance the exposure of a music product. Candidates will also develop practical skills through the production of promotional materials for a music product in the music industry.